We have an endless love for wallpaper! Wallpaper is a simple way to transform a space and add a personal touch that makes it your very own. The ways and places that wallpaper can be added to a room are endless, from a bold print in a powder bath to a classic pattern in a dining room. Check out some of our very favorite wallpapers that we just can’t get enough of!
CUSTHOM | This London-based company specializes in handmade wallcoverings featuring embroidered, hand foiled and gilded wallpaper.
ÉLITIS | A luxury designer wallpaper brand that specializes in innovation and experimentation while still offering a personal touch with their stunning array of designs and textured wallpapers.
KATIE KIME | Known for her colorful prints and patterns, Katie Kime offers an array of fun and bold wallpapers. Be sure to also check out her removable wallpaper!
KYLE BUNTING | Turn ordinary walls into extraordinary art pieces with Kyle Bunting’s hide wallcoverings. Their premium leather wallcoverings deliver innovation, creativity and endless opportunities to every space.
PHILLIP JEFFRIES | Known for their unique and high-quality textural wallcoverings, Phillip Jeffries offers over 1,000 designer wallpaper products including a variety of different materials, from paper and gold leaf to grasscloth and natural granite.
SCHUMACHER | Offering both traditional and whimsical prints, Schumacher has an eye for classicism, innovation, and is implemented into each designer wallpaper they create.